Food Is Love

Food Is Love

Last year, I wrote a blog post about comfort foods. I am a big fan of stick-to-your-ribs dishes that feel like you are being hugged from the inside out. Think about the times you craved comfort foods, whether you make it yourself or if a kind soul prepares one for you.
The weather. I have been tearing up my kitchen lately with comfort foods. These temperatures in the North East have been no joke, with wind chills in the negative. My kitchen has been cranking out dishes like short ribs, chili, and chicken pot pie. So good, and all homemade.
Your mood. Sometimes you, or someone you know, is in a down mood. Maybe they are actually battling anxiety, depression or experiencing a loss. No matter the cause, a hot dish, prepared with love, care, and great ingredients can be a mood lifter. Good food can make you happy, even temporarily.
Feeling overwhelmed. New house? New baby? Trying to do financial gymnastics? Stressed at work? Most of us have been there. Not having to put forth the energy to figure out what to cook and actually getting it done can be the best gift ever.

This year, I stumbled upon a Facebook page for an organization called Lasagna Love, where volunteer chefs and recipients are matched up. The volunteer chef prepares the lasagna and delivers it to the recipient, who is nominated by themself or another person. I was so excited to find this global organization, as it combines 3 of my favorite things: volunteering, cooking, and LASAGNA. Since both my boys love to cook and volunteer, they joined me in preparing and delivering lasagnas to 3 families in Easton this past weekend. Stay tuned for a follow-up post on our adventures in the kitchen making these dishes! And if you are so inclined, check out to learn more and either volunteer or nominate recipients.

Chicken Pot Pie
Chicken Pot Pie is the epitome of comfort food.
Check out this recipe
Chicken Pot Pie
Scott’s Short Ribs
Check out this recipe
Short ribs