The Importance of Self-Care: Because You Deserve It, Babe

The Importance of Self-Care: Because You Deserve It, Babe

Listen up, friend—self-care isn’t just bubble baths and face masks (though those are great, too). It’s about making sure you don’t run yourself ragged trying to juggle work, family, social life, and everything in between. And I feel like, now, more than ever, we need to prioritize ourselves.  Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish—it’s essential. Because let’s be real, you can’t pour from an empty cup! So, let’s talk about why self-care matters and how you can start treating yourself the way you deserve.

Self-Care? What’s that?

Self-care is whatever helps you feel like your best self. It’s not just about indulgence—it’s about maintenance. Think of it like keeping your phone charged; you wouldn’t let it drop to 1%, so why let yourself? Whether it’s getting enough sleep, setting boundaries, a hot cup of coffee or tea, your favorite meal, or just taking 10 minutes to breathe, self-care is all about making sure you’re functioning at 100%.  It’s something that we should try to incorporate into our everyday routine.

Why You Need to Prioritize Yourself

Your Body Will Thank You
Be intentional about moving your body every day.  You don’t have to go all-out with a 2-mile run or an hour of lifting weights.  Try taking a quick walk or find a video online and do some quick stretching or yoga.  Eating real food (yes, cheese counts), and actually getting some sleep will do wonders for your energy levels.   Indulge in a snack that will make your body feel good and your tummy happy.   Block 30 minutes off your calendar and take a power nap.  Think of it as giving your body a VIP pass to feeling amazing.

Your Brain Needs a Break
If your mind is constantly running on overdrive, you’re going to crash—hard. It’s important to take time for yourself, and that can look different for all of us.  Journaling is an amazing way to get those thoughts out of your head and release them from your mind.  I’ve kept journals throughout my life and it’s pretty amazing to go back and read them years later.  I’m a fan of quick, guided meditations to calm my mind down.  Insight Timer is my fave app to use.  Talk therapy has also been a tremendous help to me,  if that is something that you are open to.  I see my therapist every 2 weeks, which is helpful in processing this crazy thing called my life.  I listen to a lot of self-help/motivational books and podcasts.  I’m currently listening to the Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins, and before that, I listened to The Body Keeps the Score, which was so enlightening.   Sometimes, just zoning out and bingeing your favorite tv show helps keep stress and anxiety in check. I have Below Deck playing in the background as I write this.  The drama of young single people and the beautiful imagery keep me entertained.  Plus, my dream is to charter a yacht with my favorite people and be spoiled for days.

You’ll Get More Done
You know what’s not cute? Burnout. If you’re constantly running on fumes, your productivity tanks. But when you actually take breaks and recharge, you’ll be surprised at how much more you can get done.  During the work week, I have Focus Time scheduled in my Outlook calendar.  This makes sure that I have time during the day to take a pause, if I need it, or to tackle things that need my direct attention and focus.  At home, I try to make sure that I have some time to myself each day, away from hubby and kids, to just reflect.  Sometimes, it’s in the morning before everyone wakes or after they’ve all left for the day; sometimes it’s at night after everyone else has gone to bed.  And I always try to make sure that Sunday nights are clear, so that I can prepare for the week ahead.  Usually, a glass of wine and a hot long shower before bed do the trick.  

Your Relationships Will Improve
Ever notice how you’re way more fun to be around when you’re well-rested and not stressed to the max? Taking care of yourself means you can show up as the best version of you—for your family, your friends, and most importantly, yourself.  And encourage your loved ones to make sure that they are caring for themselves, too.  If you are open to it, encourage some self-care together, like weekly coffee dates/check-ins, walks around town, or a Happy Hour to unwind.  The possibilities are endless, and they don’t have to take a lot of time or money.

How to Make Self-Care Happen

Start Small
No need to overhaul your entire life overnight. Take baby steps. Maybe start with a five-minute meditation or a quick walk outside—just do something that makes you feel good.  Get some inspiration from social media, the internet or your friends/family.  See what others are doing for their self-care.  Maybe it’s splurging on your favorite coffee beans for the week or it’s finally getting together with that friend that you’ve been meaning to see for months.  Maybe you order a charcuterie board for one, and eat it in your bed with a beverage and your favorite movie.  Whatever it is, just make the effort and it will become routine.

Say No Without Guilt
You don’t have to do everything for everyone all the time. Set boundaries and protect your energy. If it’s not a “hell yes,” it’s a no.  This is something that I struggle with as a people pleaser.  I have come to learn, saying yes to things that you don’t want to do is way harder than just saying no at the outset.  When people ask something of you, don’t feel pressured to answer right away.  Say you need to think about it, check your schedule or whatever you need to do.  This will allow you time to actually think about what you can/want to do.

Do Things That Spark Joy
Marie Kondo your life, my friend! Whether it’s dancing in your kitchen, reading a juicy novel, or baking something delicious, make time for things that genuinely make you happy.  Cooking, eating, writing, watching bad reality TV and true crime shows, hanging out with my loved ones…those are the things that bring me joy.  I try to do those things as often as I can.  If I want to splurge, a spa day and a fabulous meal brings me the ultimate joy.  Do what makes you happy while you can, whether that means going all out or doing it on a budget.  Life is short and precious, so enjoy it!

Sleep & Eat Like You Care
Skipping meals and running on caffeine isn’t the flex you think it is. Nourish your body with good food and get your beauty sleep—because tired and hangry is not the vibe.  Drink plenty of water, try to eat less processed junk, get those fruits and veggies in, and limit your red meat.  Turn your screens off 30 minutes before you go to sleep and try to get as many hours as you need.  I love to fall asleep to a guided meditation or Green noise.  It helps calm my mind down and allows me to drift off to sleep quickly.

Self-care isn’t extra—it’s necessary. You deserve to feel good, and the only person who can make that happen is YOU. So, make yourself a priority, set those boundaries, and treat yourself like the queen (or king) that you are. Your future self will thank you. Now go take a nap, drink some water, and do something that makes you happy. You’ve earned it!

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